When we browse through our photos, we always stumble upon gorgeous and atypical pics. Every time we could not overlook the special photos of our photographer Christoph Lodewick a.k.a CL. So we grabbed pen and paper and asked him a few questions. And here are his answers:
Hello Christoph! Please tell us something about yourself. Who you are and how you started with photography.
Like many other photographers here at Photocase I started with design. I am working as a freelancer in Düsseldorf together with antifalten. By the way: she took the nice photo of me placed on the upper part of this page. Graphic design and photography have quite a lot in common, but nevertheless I started taking pictures quite late. It was around 2005.
You have been at Photocase since 2009. How did everything start and how do you like it so far?
Actually I had been here before. But at a certain point I got frustrated as most of my photos were denied, although I thought that they were great. Looking back I have to admit that they were not. At that time Annette draw my attention to Photocase. As graphic designers we were always in the hunt for great but at the same time affordable photos. That is why we land up at Photocase and we still like it a lot. As a photographer I regard highly the fact that you rather accept exceptional pictures. But as a designer I also occasionally appreciate commercial photographs / the typical stock photography.
What does photography mean to you?
Since years photography is a big part of my life. By grabbing the camera and going out either alone or with other photographers. By setting up a shooting or taking photos for my job. But I also like to visit exhibitions etc. Photography is like a big creative playground to me. I am quite curious where I will end up. I have the feeling that I just start out on it.
Your Photocase portfolio is quite diverse. Next to portraits, landscape photographies and collage, there are black and white graphic photos, in which you work with lines, stripes, shadows etc. What draws you to this style of photography?
The diversity happens as I am bored sooner or later by a specific subject. Maybe the photographs you mentioned are the easiest for me to take and the ones that attract me the most. The reason for this is probably my photographic eye. I would describe my way of taking pictures as intuitive. I photograph things that are somehow aesthetically interesting. With time my black and white photography developed as here many motifs are even more compelling.
The main focus point of your photographs is often the everyday life. What do you want to communicate with that?
Maybe that you can take a good photograph everywhere. Even at apparently boring places. Amongst other things this this is the nice facet of photography I think. But I rarely ask myself these questions. It is more likely the decision of the beholder. For me it is exciting to find something interesting in a common situation. I rarely go to a specific place to take pictures. Most of the time good photographs are made incidentally, but of course not at random.
The secret hero in your photographs is Carlson, the dachshund. Would you like to introduce him to us?
My girlfriend brought Carlson into my life and I am very happy about that. He is around five years old and a highly likable guy. He is very passionate about playing with a ball and digging holes in the sand. On the other hand he really does not like the wind. He is also not so much into cameras and being photographed, however this is a good practice for my timing.
How do you come up with the ideas for your rather unusual food photography and collage?
They are actually made faster and more spontaneous than one actually would think. Sometimes I suddenly feel like taking this kind of pictures. Then I check what is available for example in the fridge. From the creative point of view it is not to bad to be restricted every now and then. Originally I had the idea to make a Rock 'n Roll kind of food photography. Not so staged and perfect. Eventually this is just something not too serious, which I like to do in between.
Who or what does inspire you?
Everything and nothing. It is difficult to give a concrete answer to this question. I see and hear a lot. So there are many things that do influence me. We live in a time where a lot is available permanently. If you are able to sort and process this informations, the inspiration is actually endless.
What camera do you use to take your photos?
If I shoot digital I use the Canon 5D. Otherwise either the Olympus XA or a Polaroid Camera.
And finally I would like to let you know that you have the chance to see some of my photographs from the till the 06.08. of 2016 at coffee shop Rossi in Hannover.
Thank you very much for the interview, dear Christoph!