Lights Out at Photocase

The Facts

  • We will only be operating the Photocase website until 20 December 2024.
  • From now on, no more images will be accepted.
  • We are dropping the payout limit so that smaller balances of less than 100 euros can now also be retrieved.
  • All images and data, provided they are not subject to retention obligations, will be deleted on 20 December 2024.

‍A Look Back
Photocase was founded in 2001. The community quickly became hugely popular, especially among students. In 2005, credits were introduced and Photocase became a commercial platform. Microstock was new and rolled up the market with favourable prices. Business was good. But from 2015, the first clouds appeared. This occurred because the market became increasingly polarised, which was particularly noticeable among the smaller agencies. In 2019, we managed to restructure the company as a team and with your help by taking drastic measures.

Why, why, why?
Sales stagnated for five years, which must be seen as a success given the simultaneous development of the industry. Corona came, then a war in the neighbourhood - but what hit us as a company the hardest was the emergence of easily available free images, flanked by an economy that simply didn't want to grow. For a little while, copyright infringement tracking kept us afloat, but generic sales kept going down. At the same time, costs rose without us being able to pass them on in the form of price increases. Now the first half of the year has gone so badly that we will probably not achieve our annual targets. We are at a point where we have to pull the emergency brake. Unfortunately, there is no utopia for Photocase, no plan B. In fact, things could only get worse, because the deluge of AI images has only just begun. For me, it feels like a defeat.

What now?
Instead of simply stealing away, we have chosen a different, Photocase-typical way - the openly communicated, respectful separation. We know many of you personally and don't want to leave anyone out in the cold. Although this decision means a further investment for us, we believe in fairness and transparency, and so these values should accompany us to the bitter end. That's why we are dropping the payout limit with immediate effect, so that smaller amounts of less than 100 euros can now also be withdrawn. It would be nice if you could leave your pictures with us until the end. They will then be deleted automatically.‍

Kai, Xavier and I are very upset that the shutdown is really happening now. We love Photocase and the company has been an important part of our lives for a long time, to which we have contributed a lot of energy, emotion and commitment. Just like you have done from the other side: we thank you for the wonderful collaboration.

If you have any questions or need to discuss anything, please contact Xavier ([email protected]).

Goodbye, arrivederci and au revoir

Your Dittmar (and Kai and Xavier)

PS: If you've just realised that you're missing one or two files that you've published on Photocase - there's a new button in the photo admin that you can use to download your complete portfolio.


What happens to my images?

All image data, provided they are not subject to retention periods, will be deleted on 20 December 2024. If you are missing a file or two that you have published on Photocase - there is a new button in the photo admin that you can use to download your complete portfolio.

When will my money arrive?

Once you have initiated the payout, the money will arrive within a few days. We pay in batches to save costs and maintain cash flow.

What happens to my data?

All accounts and data, unless they are subject to a statutory retention period, will be deleted on 20 December 2024 in accordance with data protection regulations.

Why has my balance or part of it been cancelled?

Balances older than three years expire in accordance with upload contract §5.5. These ‘old’ balances have been and will continue to be cancelled.

If I cash out now, what happens to images that are sold after the payout?

These will also be settled as normal and without a payout barrier, provided you request the payout by 20 December 2024. Obviously we are more than happy about every balance that is not being withdrawn.

Why should I leave my pictures with you?

Because we are still selling until 20 December 2014 and are dependent on this income. If you want to do us a favour, please leave the photos in. They will then be deleted automatically. No more sales will take place after 20.12.2024.

Can buyers continue to use the photos?

Yes, all images downloaded by 20.12.2024 are subject to the licence terms valid at the time of purchase and these allow them to be used for an unlimited period of time.

Can I still upload or publish images?

The upload area is no longer available. All submitted images are still being checked. However, you can still publish photos that have already been accepted.

Can I support you somehow?

Yes, definitely. We have a huge payout volume ahead of us and are happy about any unclaimed credit. For example, if you don't really depend on the money, you can leave your pictures after the payout and let us keep the remaining income until December.

What else?
See you soon. We ♥️ you!