Portrait of pensive old man sitting at table looking out of window - a Royalty Free Stock Photo from Photocase

Portrait of pensive old man sitting at table looking out of window human human being human beings humans person persons caucasian appearance caucasian ethnicity

Buy this Royalty Free Stock Photo on Portrait of pensive old man sitting at table looking out of window human human being human beings humans person persons caucasian appearance caucasian ethnicity european 1 one person only only one person adult grown-up grown-ups grownup grownups male males men senior adult elder man elder men senior citizen senior man older seniors 80 Plus Years 80 to 100 80 to 100 years 80-100 Casual Attire casual clothes casual clothing casual wear leisure wear age spots text space jumper sweater Sweaters free time leisure time aged Hair Style hair-do hair-dos hairdo hairdos hairstyles bald head baldy indoor indoor shot indoor shots interior interior view Interiors windows portraits rested on day shots daylight daylight shot daylight shots daytime austere earnest Seriousness contemplative pensively Reflective thoughtful think reclusive reclusively lonely solitude seeing for your Editorial or Promotional Website, Book Cover, Flyer, Article, Wordpress Blog and Template from Photocase.

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